Priest Health and Body

We love supporting what makes YOU feel alive 


It's time for athletes to look deeply into their health. 

I believe prevention based medicine is the gateway to the best likelihood to continue playing as an  athlete. 

What we do

Athletes, it's time to look at your health. We get it, you're fit.  Are you healthy, too?

Health Coaching

Let's keep this easy.  You + me changing your health

What I like to know:  your previous labs, genetic reports, health history and any diagnostic tests.

Mindset: Shh.. don't tell but prescriptive coaching doesn't work long term. I bet you know that you should do something, but don't do it. Get ready for coaching that is transformational, not transactional. Be available to introspection and open to change, then we will get sh*% done.



Screw living long, lets focus on competing. 

This is the right place if you want to talk competition goals, and have a health coach who takes an advanced physiological approach!

What I like to know:  your previous labs, genetic reports, health history, any diagnostic tests and your performance goals.


Launching your own health coaching team?

New to health coaching or a provider building a health practice with coaches?

With more than 4 years leading a team of coaches in telemedicine and 12 years of coaching experience, I can help you set up your coaching business, strengthen your coaching skills and connect you to other likeminded coach leaders

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