Performance Health Coaching

We get it, this is important to you and you are all in.

What you can expect-

A coach who can look at the following components of health and relate them to your performance goals. 

Hormones, Genetics, Metabolic Health, Cardiovascular Disease Risk/Neurocognitive Risks, Digestion, Sleep, HRV

The process:

1) sign up

2) complete upload of health info, performance goals and questionnaires

3) receive a provider recommendation, get testing completed (labs, gut test and genetics) 

4) pick your poison; meet with me annually, biannually or monthly 




On going coaching

monthly: $200 per month
quarterly: $150 per quarter
biannually: $175
Annually: $250


Hit me up, when you want
30 minutes $60.00 (in person)
60 minutes 115.00 (in person) 
30 minutes zoom 85.00
60 minutes $155.00

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